Geomorphometry 2011 - Redlands, CA, USA

Geomorphometry 2011: Five days of Digital Terrain Analysis (Conference + Workshops)
September 7-11, 2011 (Wednesday to Sunday)

Building Q, ESRI Campus Redlands (map),
California, USA

This event was sponsored by:


  1. John P. Wilson, University of Southern California
  2. Michael Gould, ESRI
  3. Ian S. Evans, Durham University
  4. Tomislav Hengl, Wageningen University and Research


  1. H Mitasova (7.09 morning)
  2. J Gallant (8.09 morning)
  3. Q Zhou (8.09 morning)
  4. T Oguchi (9.09 morning)
  5. A-Xing Zhu (9.09 morning)


  1. Alexander Brenning, University of Waterloo, Canada
  2. Lucian Dragut, University of Salzburg, Austria
  3. Ian Evans, Durham University, UK
  4. Igor V. Florinsky, Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Russia
  5. John Gallant, CSIRO, Australia
  6. Carlos H. Grohmann, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  7. Michael Gould, ESRI, USA
  8. Steve Kopp, ESRI, USA
  9. Robert A. MacMillan, ISRIC, the Netherlands
  10. Helena Mitasova, North Carolina State University, USA
  11. Brian Lees, University of New South Wales, Australia
  12. Allan James, University of South Carolina, USA
  13. Takashi Oguchi, University of Tokyo, Japan
  14. Scott Peckham, Rivix, USA
  15. Ross Purves, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  16. Hannes I. Reuter, ISRIC, the Netherlands
  17. Nicolas Tate, University of Leicester, UK
  18. Sebastiano Trevisani, University Iuav of Venice, Italy
  19. Lynn Usery, USGS Center for Excellence for GIS, USA
  20. John P. Wilson, University of Southern California, USA
  21. Jo Wood, City University, UK
  22. A-Xing Zhu, University of Wisconsin, USA


The aim of Geomorphometry 2011 was to bring together researchers to present and discuss recent developments in the field of quantitative modelling and analysis of elevation data. Geomorphometry is the science of quantitative land-surface analysis and description at diverse spatial scales. It draws upon mathematical, statistical and image-processing techniques and interfaces with many disciplines including hydrology, geology, planetary geomorphology, computational geometry, geomorphology, remote sensing, geographic information science and geography. The conference aims to attract leading researchers in geomorphometry presenting methodological advances in the field and to provide young researchers with an opportunity to present new results.
Redlands is in San Bernardino County and at the eastern end of the S. Californian metropolis, some 100 km east of Los Angeles. It is between ‘The Badlands’ and the San Bernardino Mountains, beyond which is the Mohave Desert.

The Geomorphometry 2011 conference continues a series initiated by the Terrain Analysis and Digital Terrain Modelling conference hosted by Nanjing Normal University in November 2006 and University of Zurich in 2009.


DAY 1: Wednesday 07.09.2011

0900-0930 Welcoming remarks and technical information
(John P.Wilson, Mike Gould, Ian Evans, Tomislav Hengl)
0930-1030 Keynote: Helena Mitasova
Landscape dynamics from LiDAR data
1030-1100 Coffee break
1100-1300 Hydrology and Geomorphometry (Helena Mitasova)
  Florent Levavasseur, Jean-Stéphane Bailly, Philippe Lagacherie, François Colin and Michaël Rabotin
Hydrological uncertainties in agricultural catchments resulting from water flow-paths uncertainties generated by a stochastic vector drainage algorithm
  Rene Wackrow, Jim Chandler, Tom Dijkstra, Enoc Sanz-Ablanedo and Meng Xingmin
Incidental terrestrial imagery for post disaster spatial data capture of debris flows
  Zhou Lin and Takashi Oguchi
Analyses of watershed longitudinal/transverse profiles and stream-net structure using high-resolution DEMs
  Michael Hutchinson
Recent Progress in the ANUDEM Elevevation Gridding Procedure
1300-1400 Lunch
1400-1430 Poster session day 1
1430-1500 Coffee break
1500-1600 Hydrology and Geomorphometry 2 (Qiming Zhou)
  A.M. Read
A Catchment Conflation Tool for Comparing DEM Derived River Networks
  Scott Peckham
Profile, Plan and Streamline Curvature: A Simple Derivation and Applications
  Scott Peckham
Monkey, Starfish and Octopus Saddles
1600-1700 ESRI Workshop (new terrain modeling and analysis functionality)
1700-1730 Geomorphometry society meeting (elections)

DAY 2: Thursday 08.09.2011

0830-1000 Keynote: John Gallant
Adaptive smoothing for noisy DEMsr
  Keynote: Qiming Zhou
Dynamic Surface Flow Simulation Based on a Self-adaptive Scale Digital Elevation Model
1030-1100 Coffee break
1100-1300 Modeling DEM errors (John Gallant)
  Steve Wise
Geomorphometry and DEM Error
  Tomislav Hengl and Hannes I. Reuter
How accurate and usable is GDEM? A statistical assessment of GDEM using LiDAR data
  Nathalie Thommeret, Jean-Stéphane Bailly and Christian Puech
A hierarchical graph matching method to assess accuracy of network extraction from DTM
  Álvaro Gómez-Gutiérrez
Testing the quality of open-access DEMs and their derived attributes in Spain: SRTM, GDEM and PNOA DEM
  Paul Zandbergen
Error Propagation Modeling for Terrain Analysis using Dynamic Simulation Tools in ArcGIS Modelbuilder
1300-1400 Lunch
1400-1430 Poster session day 2
1430-1500 Coffee break
1500-1730 Scale in geomorphometry and soil mapping applications (A-Xing Zhu)
  Carlos Grohmann, André Sawakuchi and Vinícius Mendes
Cell size influence on DEM volume calculation
  Marcello A. V. Gorini and Guilherme Lucio Abelha Mota
Which is the best scale? Finding fundamental features and scales in DEMs
  Yuichi Hayakawa and Takashi Oguchi
Scale dependency of stream gradient calculation and its use to quantify bedrock river morphology
  Wei Luo and Tomasz Stepinski
Flow-length difference as a measure of topographic roughness/incision
  Christian Omuto Thine and Paolo Paron
Improved spatial prediction of soil properties andsoil types combining semi-automated landformclassification, geostatistics and mixed effect modelling
  Hannes Reuter, Peter Strobl and Wolfgang Mehl
How to merge a DEM?
1845-2100 Banquet (conference dinner)

DAY 3: Friday 09.09.2011

0830-1000 Keynote: Takashi Oguchi
A Characteristic Slope Angle of V-shaped Valleys in Humid Steep Mountains with Frequent Slope Failure
  Keynote: A-Xing Zhu
Geomorphic Objects and Scale in Digital Terrain Analysis for Digital Soil Mapping
1030-1100 Coffee break
1100-1300 Extraction and classification of landforms (Takashi Oguchi)
  Loan Thi Kim Ho, Yasushi Yamaguchi and Masatomo Umitsu
Signification of combining SRTM DEM and satellite images for generating automated micro- landform map
  Ian Evans and Jozef Minár
A classification of geomorphometric variables
  Tomasz Stepinski and Jaroslaw Jasiewicz
Geomorphons - a new approach to classification of landforms
  Lucian Dragut and Clemens Eisank
Automated classification of topography from SRTM data using object-based image analysis
  Niels Anders, Mike Smith, Harry Seijmonsbergen and Willem Bouten
Optimizing object-based image analysis for semi-automated geomorphological mapping
  Wen Zhang, Takashi Oguchi and Yuichi S. Hayakawa
DEM and GIS based morphometric and topographic profile analyses of Danxia landforms
1300-1400 Lunch
1400-1450 Clemens Eisank, Lucian Dragut and Thomas Blaschke
A generic procedure for semantics-oriented landform classification using object-based image analysis
  Niculita Mihai
A landform classification schema for structural landforms of the Moldavian platform (Romania)
  Andrew Bock and Stefan Leyk
Scale-Specific Modeling of Landforms Using Fuzzy Sets
1500-1530 Coffee break
1530-1700 Applications in Geomorphology (Ian Evans)
  Peter Guth
Quantifying linear dune morphology: Examples with SRTM, GDEM, and multibeam bathymetry
  Hitoshi Saito, Daichi Nakayama and Hiroshi Matsuyama
A preliminary study on mountain slope partition focusing on the hierarchy of slope unit using DEMs with different spatial resolution
  Mark Bishop
SRTM DEM and ASTER GDEM use for the spatial geomorphometric analysis of global sand sea patterns
  Marco Ticci, Keith Kelson, Cooper Brossy and Colin Amos
Applications of LiDAR Data Analysis for Geomorphic Study
1700-1730 Life achievement awards
Best paper awards
Towards Geomorphometry 2013

DAY 4 to 5: Saturday to Sunday 10-11 .11.2011:

Geomorphometry workshops
Venue: ESRI Campus
Redlands, CA
United States
34° 3’ 20.0484” N, 117° 10’ 57.1368” W