
Geomorphometry 2013 - Announcement

Geomorphometry 2013: Conference + Workshops

October 16-20, 2013 (Wednesday to Sunday)

Xianlin Campus, Nanjing Normal University


Themes include but not limited:

  • Creation of DEM, such as LiDAR DEM, bathymetry DEM, Aster G-DEM etc.
  • Terrain attributes and objects extraction & mapping.
  • Scaling effect and uncertainty quantification analysis in terrain analysis.
  • Terrain visualization.
  • High performance computation and big data in terrain analysis.
  • Terrain analysis for land-cover modeling, hydrological modeling, soil-landscape modeling, environment modeling and - other landform modeling.
  • Other fundamental issues of geomorphometry.


Click here for a detailed conference programme.

  • Day 1 16.10.2013: DEM generation methods / DEM attributes and objects: extraction & mapping I
  • Day 2 17.10.2013: DEM attributes and objects: extraction & mapping II / DEM analysis for land-cover, hydrological, soil-landscape and environmental modeling / High performance computation and big data in terrain analysis; geo-computing and statistics analysis
  • Day 3 18.10.2013: Fundamental problems of geomorphometry I, II and III.
  • Day 4 19.10.2013: Geomorphometry workshops (training sessions)
    • Peter Guth (US Naval Academy): Free and Open Source Geomorphometry Software
    • Jarek Jasiewicz: Watershed modeling with (GRASS GIS toolbox)
    • Scott Peckham: RiverTools 4.0
  • Day 5 20.10.2013: Excursion (optional)


  • Tang Guoan, Nanjing Normal University, China
  • Zhou Qiming, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, China
  • Helena Mitasova, North Carolina State University, NC, USA
  • Tomislav Hengl, ISRIC / Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands

Conference secretariat: Prof. Liu Xuejun, Conference secretary School of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University No.1 Wenyuan road, Xianlin Campus, Nanjing 210046, P.R. China Mobile: 0086 13776685731 Email:

Dr. Li Fayuan, Conference secretary School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University No.1 Wenyuan road, Nanjing, 210023, P.R. China Mobile: 0086 13776626973 Email:


  • Ian Evans, Durham University, UK
  • Michael Hutchinson, Fenner School of Environment and Society Canberra, Australia
  • Chenghu Zhou, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, CAS, China
  • Peter Guth, US Naval Academy, USA


  • Josef Strobl, Salzburg University, Austria
  • Qinke Yang, Northwest University, China
  • Alexander Brenning, University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Benjamin Bräutigam, Microwaves and Radar Institute, Germany


  • Workshop proposals due: 1 April 2013
  • Extended abstracts due: 1 April 2013 (one time extension)
  • Notification of acceptance (revisions): end of May 2013
  • Submit a proposal for Geomorphometry workshop: end of June 2013
  • Early registration deadline: 4th of August 2013
  • Final camera-ready digital manuscripts due: 15th of September 2013
  • Late registration deadline: at the conference (+$90 additional fee)
  • Conference date: October 16-20, 2013 (Wednesday to Sunday)
  • Special issue openning: 1st of November, 2013


The aim of Geomorphometry 2013 is to create a platform for better communications and scholarly exchange among researchers in the fields of terrain analysis, geomorphometry, environmental modeling and geographical information sciences. It is the intention of the conference organizer to allow sufficient discussion and exchange of ideas during the conference sessions, so that the conference will be run in the single session format with sufficient time for each paper presentation and follow-up discussion.

Conference language: English


Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of up to 4 pages (ca 2000 words) and at least 2 pages by 1st of April 2013. Extended abstracts must be original works by the authors, not be currently under review in the same form by another outlet and not submitted elsewhere prior to the notification date.

Author guidelines

Extended abstracts that have been accepted for the conference (either as poster presentations or oral talks) must be submitted before 15th of September 2013. Please follow the author guidelines closely. The submitted digital copies of extended abstracts (PDF) that do not comply with the author guidelines might not be included in the conference proceedings and shared at the conference.

After the conference, a number of authors will be invited to submission a full article for the special issue on “Advances in Geomorphometry: new technologies, data and software for DEM analysis” in the Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf) journal (this is an interactive Open Access journal).


Registrations are now open!

Regular registration fees:

  • ¥1800 or $280 (before 4th of August 2013)
  • ¥2300 or $370 (after 4th of August 2013)

The registration fees will cover all sessions of the conference, proceedings, meals, welcome banquet and coffee breaks.

Students registration fees:

  • ¥900 or $140 (before 4th of August 2013),
  • ¥1150 or $235 (after 4th of August 2013).

The registration fees will cover all sessions of the conference, proceedings, meals, welcome banquet and coffee breaks.

Accompanying person registration fees:

  • ¥800 or $130

The registration fees will cover all meals, welcome banquet and coffee breaks.


Recommended accommodation:

  • Xian Lin Hotel, Xian Lin Campus, Nanjing Normal University.
  • 仙林宾馆
  • Address: No.1 Wenyuan Road, Nanjing,南京市栖霞区文苑路1号
  • Tel: (0086) 25 85845888
  • Fax: (0086) 25 85845766

Nanjing Normal University, Xian Lin Hotel was founded in 2005, located in Xian Lin Campus of Nanjing Normal University. Xian Lin Hotel is an accommodation, dining, academic exchanges, meeting and a modern tourist resort place for three-star hotel.

There are over 150 rooms available for at least 250 people. It takes about 10 minutes walk to Jinwen library and about 10 minutes walk to K3/K4 buildings.

To know more about Nanjing, please vist

Local transportation:

From SHANGHAI Pudong International Airport

Train from SHANGHAI Pudong International Airport to SHANGHAI Railway Station takes about one hour and 30 minutes using the metro line 2; or airport bus from Shanghai pudong to Shanghai Railway station \ then two hours by high-speed rail from SHANGHAI Railway Station to Nanjing South Railway Station; taxi to the Xian Lin Campus.

From Nanjing Lukou International Airport taxi : 60km , about 150 yuan public transit : take airport bus to NanJing Railway Station 20yuan bus route 97 to the station of Ya Dong Xin Cheng Qu, then walk to XianLin Hotel from south gate (you can find walk route in the programm)

From Nanjing railway station——–XianLin Hotel Taxi: 15km, about 38yuan Public transit:bus 97Nanjing Normal University south gate,walk to XianLin Hotel from south gate

From Nanjing South Railway Station——–XianLin Hotel Taxi: 26.5km, about 90yuan Public transit:take the metro 1 to Xin Jiekou Station then transfer Metro 2 to Xue Zelu Station take bus 138 or bus 165 to Wenlan Road, walk to Xianlin Hotel utes and costs about 140RMB.


This event is sponsored by:

  • Geographical Society of China
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographical Environment, Ministry of Education
  • Nanjing Normal University
  • Centre for Geo-computation Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University

Nanjing Normal University, located in Nanjing–an old ancient capital city of Six Dynasties, which is a key university of Jiangsu Province. The history of Nanjing Normal University can be traced back to Sanjiang Normal Institute, which was established by Zhang Zhidong, Governor-General of Jiangsu and Jiangxi, in 1902. It has three campuses including Xianlin, Suiyuan and Zijin, of which Suiyuan is a key historical site under state protection and has been praised as “the most beautiful campus of the east”. The university covers a total area of 2,199,575 m2 and the built-up area is 1,064,103m2; it has 24 colleges with 2 independent ones added. The number of the faculty is 3293, 482 of them with Senior Title and 842 with the Vice-senior. 16,213 undergraduates (without the consideration of independent colleges), 6681 masters and 963 doctors are pursuing knowledge of various fields, as well as 1725 on-the-job graduates working for the master degrees and more than 5000 adults for the higher and further education.

School of Geography is the most prestigious college of Nanjing Normal University. It has three major research platforms including Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographical Environment of Ministry of Education, Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Ecological Construction and Regional planning and Development Research Center, there are 8 departments in the college including Geographic Science, Tourism Management, Land Management, Geographic Information System, Marine Science, Surveying and Mapping Engineering, Environmental Science, and Environmental Engineering. Nanjing Normal University have already hosted the International Science Seminar on the Terrain Analysis and Digital Terrain Stimulation (TADTM) in 2006. Later in 2008, the team participated in organizing ISPRS Summer School as well.

New Parallel version of Hydrologic Terrain Analysis Software TauDEM

Geomorphometry followers may be interested in the new version of my TauDEM (Terrain Analysis Using DEMs) software available from

TauDEM is free and open source. It comprises a set of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) tools for the extraction and analysis of hydrologic information from topography as represented by a DEM.

The new version, TauDEM 5.0 takes advantage of parallel programming using the message passing interface (MPI) and achieves improved runtime efficiency and the capability to run larger problems.

TauDEM includes functions for the development of hydrologically correct (pit removed) DEMs, calculation of flow paths, contributing area, stream networks and other flow related derived information. Its unique features are that it uses the D-Infinity flow model for evaluation of information derived from dispersed flow over hillslopes and provides objective methods for the determination of stream network delineation thresholds.

The parallel version (TauDEM 5.0) has been completely restructured as a set of command line functions in standard C++ using MPICH2. The source code has been compiled for both PC’s and parallel clusters. GeoTiff is used as the input/output file format so that the command line functions that provide core functionality are platform independent. TauDEM does include an ArcGIS toolbox Graphical User Interface (for ArcGIS 9.3.1) that has been recoded to use system calls to these command line executables.

The development of TauDEM 5.0 was supported by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center under contracts W9124Z-08-P-0420 and W912HZ-09-C-0112.

North Carolina coast LiDAR

This dataset contains a series of x,y,z LiDAR point cloud data in csv format, delimited by comma. Points are projected in the NC State Plane EPSG 3358 coordinate system with units meters.

To get more better representation of structures from LiDAR surveys,
re-interpolate to 0.3-0.5m resolution using the available external point clouds

Available layers:

  • “JR_NED_*” - 1/3 and 1/9-Arc Second National Elevation Dataset (2 m);
  • “ortho_JR_*” - Time series of ortho photos (1932, 1945, 1955, 1974, 1988, 1998, 2007, 2009);
  • “JR_*.csv” - Time series of point clouds from LiDAR (1974, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009)

Grid definition:

min max
x 912884 914112
y 250049 250905

cellsize: 2 m
cells.dim: 614 by 428

proj4: +proj=lcc +lat_1=36.16666666666666 +lat_2=34.33333333333334 +lat_0=33.75 +lon_0=-79 +x_0=609601.22 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs


All other data sets are from lidar, but the coverage varies, some data sets cover only beach and foredune area and do not include the main dune. Date of the surveys is in the name of of the file in the form YYYY_MM_DD.

Data owner: USGS / NCSU
Reference: Landscape dynamics from LiDAR data time series
Location: NC, United States
35° 57’ 41.148” N, 75° 37’ 49.152” W
See map: Google Maps

















Geomorphometry Newsletter September 2011

The 4th international conference + workshops on Geomorphometry / Digital terrain modelling and analysis will be held next year in Nanjing, China. If you have not done already, put this date in your agenda: October 16-20, 2013 (Wednesday to Sunday). We expect again an exciting programme with several workshops and training sessions. This edition of Geomorphometry is kindly sponsored by the Geographical Society of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographical Environment, Ministry of Education, and Nanjing Normal University. For all other info please refer to

Colleagues from ESRI are actively producing geomorphometry tools and data sets for public use. This is an example of a multiscale slope map built using the ArcGIS JavaScript API. The ESRI’s World Elevation Services is expected to become fully operational in mid 2012. It will contain image services, data download services, and analysis task services available, as well as sample applications.

Google has recently released a Google Elevation service. The Elevation service provides SRTM/bathymetry elevation data for locations on the surface of the earth, including depth locations on the ocean floor (negative values). It can be used to produce elevation paths and get elevations for any point on Earth’s surface (maximum of 2,500 requests per day).

Have you missed the Geomorphometry 2011 conference? No problem. All presentations from Geomorphometry 2011 are available via the ESRI proceedings website. All papers and attached datasets can also be accessed freely from the Geomorphometry homepage.

TanDEM-X is the new generation satellite (owned by the German Aerospace Center) that aims at producing new generation radar-based DEMs with a horizontal detail of 12 meters) and a height accuracy of better than 2 m. The data will likely not be publicly available, but the new global DEM will completely change the world of geomorphometry.

A recent geography Master’s thesis by Jason Goetz from the University of Waterloo, Canada utilizes terrain analysis tools implemented in open-source software (SAGA GIS, R) for exploring the regional controls of landslide initiation on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. A nonparametric regression technique, the generalized additive model (GAM), was used to model the relationship of topography, climate, forest harvesting activities and geology to landslide initiation, underlining the importance of the impacts of logging roads. Based on the model predictions, the most susceptible 4% of the study area had 29 times higher density of landslide initiation points than the least susceptible 73% of the study area,

Results e-democracy 2011

1 Organization of the society  
  We should stay a small society 23
  We should try to get anybody working with DEMs involved 8
2 I would like to nominate (for chair)  
  A-Xing Zhu, University of Wisconsin, USA 2
  Helena Mitasova North Carolina State University, USA 8
  Ian Evans Durham University, UK 7
  John Gallant CSIRO, Australia 7
  John P. Wilson University of Southern California, USA 2
  Peter L. Guth US Naval Academy, USA 1
  Robert A. MacMillan, LandMapper, Canada 3
3 I would like to nominate (for vice-chair)  
  Carlos H. Grohmann, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil 3
  Hannes I. Reuter, ISRIC, the Netherlands 7
  Igor V. Florinsky, Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Russia 3
  Lucian Dragut, University of Salzburg, Austria 3
  Lynn Usery, USGS Center for Excellence for GIS, USA 1
  Steve Kopp, ESRI, USA 1
  Tomislav Hengl, University of Wageningen, the Netherlands 13
4 My say on the conference content  
  We should focus on the DEM analysis methods 4
  We hould have a balanced combination of both 24
  We should have more technology in the programme 3
5 My say on the financial matters  
  I do not mind the costs if the programme is good 15
  The registration fees should not exceed 100 USD per day 6
  The registration fees should not exceed 150 USD per day 2
  The registration fees should not exceed 80 USD per day 8
6 I would also like to discuss…  
  Left Blank 27
  User entered value 4
  Average submission length in words (ex blanks) 25.25
7 Prefered location of the next meeting  
  Asia 8
  Europe 10
  Let the scientific committee decide 4
  North America 1
  South America 8

Attachment e_democracy_2011.xls

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ANADEM: A Digital Terrain Model for South America

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Laipelt L., Andrade B.C., Collischonn W., Teixeira A.A., Paiva R.C.D., Ruhoff A., 2024. ANADEM: A Digital Terrain Model for South America. Remote Sensing 16(13):2321.

GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 release

The GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 release provides more than 515 improvements and fixes with respect to the release 8.3.2.

Check the full announcement at

Please support in testing this release candidate.

Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models

There is a new paper (open access) describing a novel method to estimate sub-pixel planimetric displacements between two DEMs:

Riazanoff, S.; Corseaux, A.; Albinet, C.; Strobl, P.A.; López-Vázquez, C.; Guth, P.L.; Tadono, T. Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 13, 96.