Geomorphometry 2018 - Bulder, Colorado, USA

Geomorphometry 2018: Conference and Workshops

Start: Aug 13 2018 - 09:00 End: Aug 17 2018 - 21:44 Timezone: America/Denver


  • Alexander Brenning, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
  • Lucian Dragut, West University of Timisoara, Romania
  • Ian Evans, Durham University, UK
  • John Gallant, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia
  • Carlos H. Grohmann, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Peter Guth, US Naval Academy, USA
  • Tomislav Hengl, Envirometix Ltd,Wageningen, the Netherlands
  • Jaroslav Hofierka, University of Presov, Slovakia
  • Steve Kopp, ESRI, USA
  • John Lindsay, University of Guelph, Canada
  • Robert A. MacMillan, LandMapper Ltd, Canada
  • Scott Peckham, Rivix / University of Colorado, USA
  • Ross Purves, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Hannes Reuter, Gisxperts, Trier, Germany
  • John P. Wilson, University of Southern California, USA
  • Qiming Zhou, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
  • A-Xing Zhu, Nanjing Normal University, China

Organizing Committee:

  • Chris Crosby, UNAVCO
  • Carlos H. Grohmann, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Peter Guth, US Naval Academy, USA
  • Scott Peckham, Rivix / University of Colorado, USA


Geomorphometry 2018 collection at PeerJ

Monday, August 13th

08:45-09:00 Session 1: Conference Welcome
09:00-10:00 Session 2: Keynote by David Tarboton, Utah State:
Web Based Hydrologic Terrain Analysis through HydroShare
10:00-11:40 Session 3A: Stream Networks
10:00-10:20 Giuseppe Amatulli, Sami Domisch, Jens Kiesel, Tushar Sethi, Dai Yamazaki and Peter Raymond.
High-resolution stream network delineation using digital elevation models: assessing the spatial accuracy
10:20-10:40 Scott D. Peckham.
Using the Open-source TopoFlow Python Package for Extracting D8-based Grids from DEMs and for Fluvial Landscape Evolution Modeling
10:40-11:00 Qiming Zhou, Fangli Zhang and Liang Cheng.
A Data-driven Method for the Determination of Water-flow Velocity in Watershed Modelling
11:00-11:20 Shangmin Zhao, Shifang Zhang and Weiming Cheng.
Hydrologic application comparison among typical open global DEM data based on remote sensing images
11:20-11:40 Richard Barnes.
RichDEM: High-Performance Terrain Analysis
10:00-17:00 Session 3B: Posters
10:00-17:00 Zhang Jin.
Slope Ranking and geohazards correlation analysis for Combined Open-Underground Mining area
10:00-17:00 Xiaoli Huang and Liyang Xiong.
Space-for-time substitution and the evolution of gully system in a small watershed of the Chinese Loess Plateau
10:00-17:00 Jiaming Na and Guoan Tang.
Simulation on the Evolution of Loess Gullies and Landforms Based on Archaeological Remains Information
10:00-17:00 Jilong Li, Guoan Tang, Fayuan Li and Jianjun Cao.
Delimitation of the transition zone between active and inactive gully erosion in the Chinese Loess Plateau
11:40-12:40 Lunch
12:40-13:30 Session 4: Highlight Paper
12:40-13:00 John Wilson.
Geomorphometry: Today and Tomorrow
13:10-14:50 Session 5: Data resolution and scale
13:10-13:30 Samantha Arundel, Wenwen Li and Xiran Zhou.
The Effect of Resolution on Terrain Feature Extraction
13:30-13:50 Massimiliano Alvioli, Alessandro Cesare Mondini, Federica Fiorucci, Mauro Cardinali and Ivan Marchesini.
Automatic landslide mapping from satellite imagery with a topography-driven thresholding algorithm
13:50-14:10 Flavius Sirbu, Lucian Dragut, Takashi Oguchi, Yuichi Hayakawa and Mihai Micu.
Sensitivity of land-surface variables to scale in identifying landslide scarps
14:10-14:30 Adnane Habib, Kourosh Khoshelham, Nadia Akdim, Fatima-Ezzahra El Ghandour, Kamal Labbassi and Massimo Menenti.
Enhancing DEMs for geomorphometric research through digital filtering
14:30-14:50 Peter Guth.
What Should a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Portray?
14:50-15:10 Break
15:10-16:10 Session 6: Planetary geomorphometry
15:10-15:30 Weiming Cheng.
A preliminary study of classification method on lunar topography and landforms
15:30-15:50 Yan-Wen Wang, Cheng-Zhi Qin, Wei-Ming Cheng and A-Xing Zhu.
Detecting craters by training random forest based on existing crater map and spatial structural information
15:50-16:10 Tao Liu and Victor Baker.
Hydraulic Modeling of Megaflooding Using Terrestrial and Martian DEMs
16:10-17:10 Session 7: Discussion on non-profit status

Tuesday, August 14th

09:00-16:00 Field trip

Wednesday, August 15th

09:00-10:00 Session 8: Keynote by Dai Yamazaki, The University of Tokyo:
MERIT DEM: a high-accuracy global elevation map by multi-component error removal
10:00-11:40 Session 9: Classification of topography  
10:00-10:20 Jozef Minár, Peter Bandura, Lucian Drăguţ, Ian Evans, Michal Gallay, Jaroslav Hofierka, Juraj Holec, Ján Kaňuk and Anton Popov.
Physically-based land surface segmentation: Theoretical background and outline of interpretations
10:20-10:40 Massimiliano Alvioli, Ivan Marchesini and Fausto Guzzetti.
Nation-wide, general-purpose delineation of geomorphological slope units in Italy
10:40-11:00 Ovidiu Csillik and Lucian Dragut.
Towards a global geomorphometric atlas using Google Earth Engine
11:00-11:20 Peter Bandura, Jozef Minár, Lucian Dragut and Miroslav Bielik.
Physically-based segmentation of the Western Carpathians (Central Europe)
11:20-11:40 Junko Iwahashi, Takayuki Nakano and Dai Yamazaki.
Classification of topography in artificially modified alluvial plains using DEMs
11:40-12:40 Lunch  
12:40-13:30 Session 10: Highlight Paper  
12:40-13:00 Vincent Lecours, Vanessa Lucieer, Margaret Dolan and Aaron Micallef.
Recent and Future Trends in Marine Geomorphometry
13:00-14:20 Session 11: Accuracy and Error Propagation  
13:00-13:20 Mehran Ghandehari and Barbara P. Buttenfield.
Slope-Adjusted Surface Area Computations and Error Propagation in Digital Terrain
13:20-13:40 Christopher Wecklich, Carolina Gonzalez and Paola Rizzoli.
Height Accuracy and Data Coverage for the Final Global TanDEM-X DEM Data
13:40-14:00 Peter Bandura and Michal Gallay.
Validation of TanDEM-X elevation data for a forested karst area in Slovakia (Central Europe)
14:00-14:20 Mihai Niculita.
Assessing the accuracy of SRTM altitude data for the hilly area in northeastern Romania
14:30-14:50 Break  
14:50-16:10 Session 12: Glacial and Marine Geomorphometry  
14:50-15:10 Mihai Niculita and Ian Evans.
Effects of glaciation on the clinometry and hypsometry of the Romanian Carpathians
15:10-15:30 Da Huo, Michael Bishop and Brennan Young.
Geomorphometric assessment of glacier state in the Karakoram, Himalaya
15:30-15:50 Kwanmok Kim, Vincent Lecours and Peter C. Frederick.
Using 3D Micro-Geomorphometry to Quantify Interstitial Spaces of an Oyster Cluster
15:50-16:10 Nathalie Debese, Jean-José Jacq, Koen Degrendele and Marc Roche.
Toward Reliable Volumetric Monitoring of Sandbanks
16:10-17:10 **Session 13: Roundtable **

Thursday, August 16th

09:00-10:00 Session 14: Keynote by Greg Tucker, University of Colorado:
Lidar meets Landlab: using digital topography to test and calibrate long-term erosion models
10:00-11:40 Session 15: DEM surfaces, lidar, and radar
10:00-10:20 Marián Jenčo.
Detection of Degenerate Points on the Surface
10:20-10:40 John Lindsay and Daniel Newman.
Hyper-scale analysis of surface roughness
10:40-11:00 Qiaomei Su, Chenyu Wang, Shangmin Zhao and Jianmin Wang.
Study on fractal dimension of spatial distribution patterns for hidden danger points of geological hazards: taking Huoxi Coalfield of China as an example
11:00-11:20 Francis Rengers and Luke McGuire.
Quantifying Hillslope Erosion with Lidar
11:20-11:40 Nicusor Necula, Mihai Niculita and Mario Floris.
Using Sentinel-1 SAR data to detect earth surface changes related to neotectonics in the Focșani basin (Eastern Romania)
11:40-12:40 Lunch
12:40-13:30 Session 16: Highlight Paper
12:40-13:00 Hannes Isaak Reuter.
Geomorphometry – 10 years after the book – challenges ahead ?
13:10-14:30 Session 17: UAV/SfM I
13:10-13:30 Igor Florinsky, Dmitrii Bliakharskii, Sergey Popov and Sergey Pryakhin.
The 2017 Catastrophic Subsidence in the Dålk Glacier: Unmanned Aerial Survey and Digital Terrain Analysis
13:30-13:50 Michal Gallay, Ján Šašak, Ján Kaňuk, Jozef Šupinský, Jaroslav Hofierka and Jozef Minár.
High-resolution digital terrain modelling of a rugged alpine terrain by fusing data from terrestrial laser scanning and UAV photogrammetry
13:50-14:10 Carlos Grohmann, Camila Viana, Mariana Busarello and Guilherme Garcia.
Structural analysis of clastic dikes based on Structure from Motion/Multi-View Stereo
14:10-14:30 Marek Kasprzak and Mariusz Szymanowski.
Terrain determinants of permafrost active layer thermal conditions: a case study from Arctic non-glaciated catchment (Bratteggdalen, SW Spitsbergen)
14:30-14:50 Break
14:50-15:30 Session 18: UAV/SfM II
14:50-15:10 Alberto Alfonso-Torreño, Álvaro Gómez-Gutiérrez, Susanne Schnabel, José Juan de Sanjosé Blasco and Manuel Sánchez Fernández.
Quantifying sediment volume retained in hydrological correction check dams by means of high-resolution DEMs in a semiarid rangeland of SW Spain
15:10-15:30 Álvaro Gómez-Gutiérrez, Trent Biggs, Napoleon Gudino Elizondo, Paz Errea, Esteban Alonso Gonzalez, Estela Nadal Romero and José Juan de Sanjosé Blasco.
Elaborating more accurate high-resolution DEMs using SfM workflow
15:30-15:50 Session 19: Recent ESRI enhancements in geomorphometry
15:50-16:50 Session 20: Elections, Awards, and Geomorphometry 2020

Friday, August 17th

09:00-12:00 Workshop 21A: Using GDAL and PKTOOLS for Raster Operations
09:00-12:00 Workshop 21B: Processing Large Rasters using Tiling and Parallelization: An R + SAGA GIS + GRASS GIS Tutorial
09:00-12:00 Workshop 21C: A Hands-On Introduction to RiverTools 4.0
09:00-12:00 Workshop 21D: Google Earth Engine for large-scale DEM analysis
12:00-13:00 Lunch for Workshop participants
13:00-16:00 Workshop 22A: Using GDAL and PKTOOLS for Raster Operations Part 2
13:00-16:00 Workshop 22B: Processing Large Rasters using Tiling and Parallelization: An R + SAGA GIS + GRASS GIS Tutorial
13:00-16:00 Workshop 21D: A Hands-On Introduction to RiverTools 4.0
13:00-16:00 Workshop 22D: Google Earth Engine for large-scale DEM analysis