Geomorphometry 2015 - Poznań, Poland

Geomorphometry 2015: Conference and Workshops

Geomorphometry for natural hazards geomodelling


JM Prof. Dr Hab. Bronisław Marciniak,
Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Dr Inż. Kazimierz Bujakowski,
Surveyor General of Poland

Geomorphometry 2015 became a history. On behalf of organizing committee I would like to thank to all Geomorphometry 2015 Participants. It was a great pleasure to host all of you in Poznań. Regardless of the committee’s work, participants are the key to the success of the conference. Many interesting talks, posters and discussions is that what is worth the effort during the preparation. We wish all many valuable publications resulting from the conference meeting and we wish success to the organisers of the next meeting.THANK YOU!

Here you will find a few pictures from the conference (Google Photos)


  1. Zbigniew Zwoliński, Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Poland
  2. Jarosław Jasiewicz, Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Poland
  3. Helena Mitasova, North Carolina State University, NC, USA
  4. Tomislav Hengl, ISRIC / Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands

Conference secretariat:

Director: Zbigniew Zwoliński
Head of GIS Lab, Chair of the International Association of Geomorphologists
Working Group on Landform Assessment for Geodiversity
Dzięgielowa 27#214 60-680 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48618296176

Vice-director: Jarosław Jasiewicz
Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation
Dzięgielowa 27#221 60-680 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48618296196

Conference Treasurer: Magdalena Ratajczak-Szczerba,

Secretariat: Joanna Gudowicz, Alicja Najwer, Jakub Nowosad

Field trip organizers: Małgorzata Mazurek, Miroslaw Makohonienko

Book of Proceedings

Download the PDF here


Marco Giardino, School of Natural Sciences, University of Torino, Italy:
“Multidimensional approach to natural instabilities in mountain areas: how geomorphometry can improve both hazard modelling and risk perception”
Markus Metz, GRASS Development Team, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Trento, Italy:
“Searching for water: hydrological modelling concepts in GRASS GIS”
Lucian Drăguţ, West University of Timisoara, Romania:
“Object-oriented geomorphometry”


Tomasz Stepinski, Space Informatics Lab, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, United States:
“Doing Geomorphometry with Pattern Analysis”
Piotr Wężyk, Laboratory of Geomatics, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland:
“Making the invisible visible – the DTM modelling in complex environment”
Manfred Zink, Microwaves and Radar Institute, German Aerospace Center, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany:
“TanDEM-X: A Challenging Radar Mission for Generating a New Earth’s Topography”
Christopher Crosby, Open Topography Group, United States:
“OpenTopography: Enabling Online and On-Demand Access to High-Resolution Topography Data for Natural Hazards”
Tomasz Niedzielski, Institue of Geography and Regional Development, University of Wrocław, Poland:
“Hydrological forecasting in real time: an experimental integrated approach”
Steve Kopp, Environmental System Research Institute, Redlands, CA, United States:
“Expanding the reach of Geomorphometry through Web GIS”


  1. Alexander Brenning, University of Waterloo, Canada
  2. Lucian Dragut, West University of Timisoara, Romania
  3. Yongxin Deng, Western Illinois University, USA
  4. Ian Evans, Durham University, UK
  5. Igor V. Florinsky, Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Russia
  6. Carlos H. Grohmann, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  7. Peter Guth, US Naval Academy, USA
  8. Michael Hutchinson, Fenner School of Environment and Society Canberra, Australia
  9. Steve Kopp, ESRI, USA
  10. Robert A. MacMillan, LandMapper Ltd, Canada
  11. Li Manchun, Nanjing University, China
  12. Jozef Minár, Comenious University, Slovakia
  13. Helena Mitasova, North Carolina State University, USA
  14. Brian Lees, University of New South Wales, Australia
  15. Wu Lun, Peking University, China
  16. Takashi Oguchi, University of Tokyo, Japan
  17. Scott Peckham, Rivix / University of Colorado, USA
  18. Sebastiano Trevisani, University Iuav of Venice, Italy
  19. Thomasz Stepinski, University of Cincinnati, USA
  20. Lynn Usery, USGS Center for Excellence for GIS, USA
  21. John P. Wilson, University of Southern California, USA
  22. Liu Xuejun, Nanjing Normal University, China
  23. Chenghu Zhou, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources, CAS, China
  24. Qiming Zhou, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
  25. A-Xing Zhu, Nanjing Normal University, China


DAY 1: Monday 22.06.2015

09:00-10:00 REGISTRATION  
10:00-10:30 Welcoming remarks and technical information
(Conference hosts, Chair and Vice-chair)
  Session 1: DEM data sources
Chair: Zbigniew Zwoliński
10:30-11:00 Invited lecture: Manfred Zink, Alberto Moreira
TanDEM-X: A Challenging Radar Mission for Generating a New Earth’s Topography
11:00-11:15 Christopher Wecklich, Carolina Gonzalez, Benjamin Bräutigam
Height Accuracy for the First Part of the Global TanDEM-X DEM Data
11:15-11:30 Carlos Grohmann
‘Radiography of the Amazon’ DSM/DTM data: comparative analysis with SRTM, ASTER GDEM
11:30-11:45 Piotr Wozniak
High resolution elevation data in Poland
11:45-12:00 Shangmin Zhao, Li Wang and Wenjiao Wu
Vertical error distribution of ASTER GDEM V2 data based on ICESat/GLA14 data:taking Shanxi Plateau of China as an example
12:00-12:15 COFFEE BREAK  
12:15-12:45 Keynote: Lucian Dragut
Object-oriented geomorphometry
12:45-14:00 LUNCH BREAK  
  Session 2: General Problems of Geomorphometry
Chair: Guoan Tang
14:00-14:30 Invited lecture: Christopher Crosby
OpenTopography: Enabling Online and On-Demand Access to High-Resolution Topography Data for Natural Hazards
14:30-14:45 Zbigniew Zwoliński and Joanna Gudowicz
Geomorphometric analysis of morphoclimatic zones on the Earth
14:45-15:00 Vincent Lecours, Vanessa Lucieer, Margaret Dolan and Aaron Micallef
An Ocean of Possibilities: Applications and Challenges of Marine Geomorphometry
15:00-15:15 Jozef Minar, Jozef Minar and Ian S. Evans
Towards exactness in geomorphometry
15:15-15:30 Karin Ebert, Jerker Jarsjö and Karin Ekstedt
Effects of future sea level rise – the example of the island of Gotland, Sweden
15:30-15:45 COFFEE BREAK  
  Session 3: Geomorphometry in Geology and Geomorphology
Chair: Ian Evans
15:45-16:00 Liyang Xiong and Guoan Tang
Pre-Quaternary paleotopography reconstruction in the Ordos platform and its integration in the loess landform evolution modeling
16:00-16:15 Peter Guth
Geomorphometry of Normal Faults: Abyssal Hills and Continental Rifts
16:15-16:30 Marco Bacenetti, Luca Ghiraldi, Marco Giardino and Luigi Perotti
Analysis of morphometric index to evaluate the tectonic activity: case study from Germanasca valley (NW Italy)
16:30-16:45 Peter Bandura, Jozef Minár, Tatiana Harciníková and Lucian Drăguţ
Towards delineation of the morphostructural division of the Western Carpathians using object-based image analysis
16:45-17:00 Yuichi S. Hayakawa, Hidetsugu Yoshida, Lucian Dragut and Takashi Oguchi
Comparative analysis of manual and automatic extractions of hummock landforms in Mt. Gassan, northwestern Japan
17:00-17:15 Domenico Guida, Antonello Cestari, Alba Cuomo, Francesco Dramis, Vincenzo Palmieri and Vincenzo Siervo
The Salerno University Geomorphological Informative Mapping System: the Licosa polygenetic case study (Cilento European geopark, southern Italy)
17:30-19:00 Poster Session
Chairs: Jarosław Jasiewicz and Carlos Grohmann
19:00-… Geomorphometry society meeting (elections)  

Poster Session

Day 1 Poster Session
Chairs: Jarosław Jasiewicz and Carlos Grohmann
Cheng-Zhi Qin, Xue-Wei Wu, Yanjun Lu, Jing-Chao Jiang and A-Xing Zhu
Case-based formalization of knowledge on digital terrain analysis
Magdy Torab and Nora Dalal
Natural hazards mapping of mega waves on the NW coast of Egypt
Piotr Kłapyta and Natalia Kolecka
Combining laser scanning with field mapping and Schmidt-hammer relative age dating - examples from the Babia Góra range (Westen Carpathians, Poland)
Aleksander Adamczyk, Marcin Sobiech, Agata Urbańska and Wojciech Wysota
Geomorphometric analysis of glacial curvilineations (GCL) in Dobrzyń Lakeland, Central Poland
Lucas Ruiz and Xavier Bodin
Analysis and improvement of surface representativeness of high resolution Pléiades DEMs: Examples from glaciers and rock glaciers in two areas of the Andes
Ruqiao Jiang and Guoan Tang
A Method of Depression Filling with Consideration of Local Micro-relief Features
Marcin Brach and Jarosław Chormański
Comparison of digital elevation models of riparian wetland generated from airborne laser scanning of different accuracy
Edina Józsa
Extracting possible terrace surfaces from digital elevation models – methodological issues and case study from Hungary
Ângelo Moura Araújo, Paulo Pereira, Renato Henriques and Diamantino Pereira
Water resources assessment using GIS procedures: application in Ceará State (Brazil)
Adriana Sărășan and Lucian Drăguț
Assessing contextual information from SRTM data as abasis for classifying landform types. Case study: dune fields
Maciej Hajdukiewicz
The potential accuracy of the survey of landform changes using archival orthophotos: case study of the Białka River valley
Milena Różycka, Aleksandra Michniewicz, Piotr Migoń and Marek Kasprzak
Identification and morphometric properties of landslides in the Bystrzyckie Mountains (Sudetes, SW Poland) based on data derived from airborne LiDAR
Małgorzata Mazurek
Geomorphometric attributes of channel heads initiated by seepage erosion in a postglacial zone (NW Poland)
Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva, Markus Stoffel and Hanna Hajdukiewicz
Understanding large wood deposition during floods: a modelling approach
Cezary Kaźmierowski, Jakub Ceglarek,Jerzy Cierniewski, Jarosław Jasiewicz, Sławomir Królewicz, Michał Wyczałek
Soil surface roughness quantification using DEM obtained from UAV photogrammetry
Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak and Ryszard J. Kaczka
The influence of asymmetrical slopes on timberline course at Babia Gora Mountain (Western Carpathians)
Joanna Gudowicz
Effects of DEM quality on SWAT model stream flow and sediment simulation
Ling Jiang, Guoan Tang and Chun Wang
Extraction and analysis of loess gully heads based on grid terrain datasets
Mateusz Kędzior and Jarosław Zawadzki
Comparison of three Topographic Wetness Indices against soil moisture estimates over Vistula basin
Ryszard J. Kaczka, Michał Lempa, Katarzyna Stachniak, Barbara Czajka and Zofia Rączkowska
The geometry of timberline as an indicator of active and inactive avalanche paths
Zbigniew Zwoliński and Estera Stefańska
Relevance of moving window size in landform classification by TPI
Zbigniew Zwoliński and Ewa Sznigir
Spatial distribution of hypsometric curves within the Parsęta River drainage basin (Poland) as a geoindicator of geomorphological hazards

DAY 2: Tuesday 23.06.2015

  Session 4: Processing of High-resolution digital elevation data
Chair: Tomasz Stepinski
9:00-9:30 Invited lecture: Piotr Wezyk
Making the invisible visible – the DTM modelling in complex environments
9:30-9:45 Waldemar Kociuba
Geometrical parameters of TLS-based DEM acquisition for a small Arctic catchment (Svalbard SW)
9:45-10:00 Marjan Temovski and Ivica Milevski
DEM based geomorphometric analyses of karst surface in the Republic of Macedonia
10:00-10:15 Michal Gallay, Ján Kaňuk, Jaroslav Hofierka, Zdenko Hochmuth and John Meneely
Mapping and geomorphometric analysis of 3-D cave surfaces: a case study of the Domica Cave, Slovakia
10:15-10:30 Marek Kasprzak, Artur Sobczyk, Szymon Kostka and Anna Haczek
Surface geophysical surveys and LiDAR DTM analysis combined with underground cave mapping – an efficient tool for karst system exploration: Jaskinia Niedźwiedzia case study (Sudetes, SW Poland)
10:30-10:45 COFFEE BREAK
  Session 5: Landscape modeling using DEM
Chair: Tomislav Hengl
10:45-11:00 Ian Evans and Nicholas J. Cox
Size and shape of glacial cirques
11:00-11:15 Andrea Mandarino, Francesca Ferraris and Marco Firpo
Understanding landscape evolution by using DEM analysis, low order channels gradient and Asymmetry Factor: the case study of the upper Scrivia river basin (Northern Apennines, Italy)
11:15-11:30 Fayuan Li and Mingwei Zhao
Slope landscape change in a simulated watershed
11:30-11:45 Ivica Milevski and Anita Milevska
Improvement of slope angle models derived from medium to fine-scale DEM’s Key study: Skopje area
11:45-12:00 COFFEE BREAK
12:00-12:30 Invited lecture: Tomasz Niedzielski, Bartlomiej Mizinski, Dapeng Yu
Hydrological forecasting in real time: an experimental integrated approach
  Keynote: Markus Metz
Searching for water: hydrological modelling concepts in GRASS GIS
12:30-13:45 LUNCH BREAK
  Session 6: Hydrological Modeling using DEM
Chair: Josef Minar
14:00-14:15 Jarosław Jasiewicz, Jolanta Czerniawska
Conditional hydrological simulations as a tool for analysis of denudational transformation of post-glacial plains
14:15-14:30 Laura Coco, Viviana Cestrone and Marcello Buccolini
Geomorphometry for studying the evolution of small basins: an example in the Italian Adriatic foredeep
14:30-14:45 Libor Burian, Andrey Mitusov and Poesen
Relationships of attributes of gullies with morphometric variables
14:45-15:00 Adam Łajczak, Barbara Czajka and Ryszard Kaczka
Reinterpretation of morphometry of headwater areas using LiDAR data in homoclinal flysch mountain ridge modelled by landslides. Case study of the Babia Góra Mt., the Western Carpathians
15:00-15:30 COFFEE BREAK
  Session 7: Morphometric parameters
Chair: Helena Mitasova
15:30-15:45 Ovidiu Csillik, Ian S. Evans and Lucian Drăguț
Automated transformation of slope and surface curvatures to avoid long tails in frequency distributions
15:45-16:00 Xiaoli Huang, Kai Liu and Liyang Xiong
The Influence of DEM Resolution on the Extraction of Terrain Texture
16:00-16:15 Bartlomiej Szypula
Relief Index (RI) as a simple tool for geomorphometry
16:15-16:30 Shuanglin Liu, Fayuan Li, Ruqiao Jiang, Ruixue Chang and Wei Liu
A Method of Automatic Topographic Recognition Based on Slope Spectrum
16:30-16:45 Vincent Lecours, Alvin Simms, Rodolphe Devillers, Vanessa Lucieer and Evan Edinger
Finding the Best Combinations of Terrain Attributes and GIS software for Meaningful Terrain Analysis
16:45-17:00 Scott Peckham
Longitudinal Elevation Profiles of Rivers: Curve Fitting with Functions Predicted by Theory
19:00– Conference dinner

DAY 3: Wednesday 24.06.2015

  Session 8: Novel approches in geomorphometry
Chair: Steve Kopp
9:00-9:30 Invited lecture: Tomasz F. Stepinski, Jaroslaw Jasiewicz, Pawel Netzel and Jacek Niesterowicz
Doing Geomorphometry with Pattern Analysis
9:30-9:45 Przemysław Stpiczyński, Dominik Szałkowski, Leszek Gawrysiak and Łukasz Chabudziński
Hybrid implementation of evaluation of primary topographic parameters using GPU-accelerated clusters
9:45-10:00 Sergio Camiz and Maurizio Poscolieri
Geomorfo: a program for the classification of terrain units
10:00-10:15 Jarosław Jasiewicz, Alfred Stach, Jakub Nowosad
Terrain misclassification problem – analysis using pattern simulation approach
10:15-10:30 Anita Bernatek
Visualizing morphometric changes in a piping system using DEM and GIS analysis: the Bieszczady Mts., Poland
10:30-10:45 COFFEE BREAK
  Session 9: Monitoring of natural hazards I
Chair: Marco Giardino
10:45-11:00 Charles Jackson
Caution: dust storms may do exist (and so do mountains): Modeling dust source suitability within an object-oriented geoecology
11:00-11:15 Viktor Kaufmann and Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer
Regional quantification of rock glacier movement in Central Austria using governmental GIS data
11:15-11:30 Rafal Wawer and Artur Lopatka
Thermal satellite scenes in single event modelling of wind erosion
11:30-11:45 Vaclav Petras, Helena Mitasova and Anna Petrasova
Mapping gradient fields of landform migration
11:45-12:00 COFFEE BREAK
12:00-12:30 Keynote: Marco Giardino, Luigi Perotti, Walter Alberto, Sara Ratto
Multidimensional approach to natural instabilities in mountain areas: how geomorphometry can improve both hazard modelling and risk perception
12:30-13:45 LUNCH BREAK
  Session 10: Monitoring of natural hazards II
Chair: Marco Giardino
13:45-14:15 Invited lecture: Steve Kopp
[Expanding the reach of Geomorphometry through Web GIS
14:15-14:30 Janusz Wasowski, Fabio Bovenga, Raffaele Nutricato, Davide Oscar Nitti and Maria Teresa Chiaradia
High resolution satellite SAR multi temporal interferometry for regional scale detection of landslide and subsidence hazards
14:30-14:45 François Clapuyt, Veerle Vanacker, Kristof Van Oost and Fritz Schlunegger
Very-high resolution monitoring of movement of surface material within a landslide
14:45-15:00 Xavier Bodin, Dario Trombotto and Alvaro Soruco
Evaluation of a terrestrial photogrammetry method for the study of high mountain dynamics. Quebrada del Medio rock glacier, Mendoza, Argentina
15:00-15:15 COFFEE BREAK
  Session 11: Geomorphometry for natural hazards geomodeling
Chair: Piotr Weżyk
15:15-15:30 Mario Kummert and Reynald Delaloye
Quantifying sediment transfer between the front of an active alpine rock glacier and a torrential gully
15:30-15:45 Rafał Kroczak and Tomasz Bryndal
An attempt to assess the influence of road network on flash flood wave parameters. The case study of the Carpathian Foothills
15:45-16:00 Mihai Niculita
Automatic extraction of landslide flow direction using geometric processing and DEMs
16:00-16:15 Daniele Strigaro, Massimiliano Moretti, Matteo Mattavelli, Mattia De Amicis, Valter Maggi and Antonello Provenzale
Development of GIS methods to assess glaciers response to climatic fluctuations: a Minimal Model approach
16:30-17:15 Life achievement awards / Best paper awards
Towards Geomorphometry 2017
17:15– Short Trip: Meteorite crater Morasko

DAY 4: Thursday 25.06.2015

Parrallel workshops

Room Morning
  Jarek Jasiewicz
GRASS GIS and R as a tool for large-scale geomorphometric mapping
Jarek Jasiewicz, Markus Metz
Hydrological modeling in GRASS GIS
  Jonathan de Ferranti/Jacek Niesterowicz
World-wide DEM
Tom Hengl
Automated DEM data analysis using R + SAGA + Google Earth
ESRI ArcGIS Pro – new desktop application from Esri
ESRI ArcGIS Pro – new desktop application from Esri
  Martin Isenburg
Hands-on intro to LiDAR processing with LAS tools
Fabio Bovenga, Janusz Wasowski
Radar interferometry for ground motion analysis

DAY 5: Friday, 8:00 A.M 26.06.2015

All-day conference trip

Adam Mickiewicz Square, City Centre near Adam Mickiewicz Monument

Mirosław Makohonienko, Małgorzata Mazurek