Geomorphometry 2009 - Zürich, Switzerland


On behalf of the organisers we would like to extend a warm welcome to all participants of Geomorphometry 2009 in Zurich. The Geomorphometry 2009 conference continues a series initiated by the Terrain Analysis and Digital Terrain Modelling conference hosted by Nanjing Normal University in November 2006.

Geomorphometry 2009 brings together researchers to present and discuss developments in the field of quantitative modelling and analysis of elevation data. Geomorphometry is the science of quantitative land-surface analysis and description at diverse spatial scales. It draws upon mathematical, statistical and image-processing techniques and interfaces with many disciplines including hydrology, geology, computational geometry, geomorphology, remote sensing, geographic information science and geography.

For the conference, a total of 53 extended abstracts, with authors from 21 countries were submitted for review by the programme committee. Of these, a total of 37 were accepted for presentation at the conference. We believe that the conference programme offers a rich and varied insight into the key themes in geomorphometry today, with a mix of leading researchers in the field presenting methodological advances and young researchers presenting high quality reviewed work to an international audience.

The conference also hosts three keynote speakers. We are delighted that Professor David Mark, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Geography at the State University of New York at Buffalo and Dr Jo Wood, Reader in GIScience at the Department for Information Science at City University, London will both give presentations on how they have seen development progressing in Geomorphometry during their extensive experience of the field. Furthermore, Stephan Landtwing of BSF Swissphoto, a key producer of LIDAR and other remotely sensed data in Switzerland, will give an industrial keynote – an excellent opportunity for the conference attendees to interface with data producers and better understand issues related to key data sources in geomorphometry.

The conference also hosted two workshops with very different themes, entitled Automated analysis of elevation data in R+ILWIS/SAGA and Back to reality – Reconciling geomorphometry and geomorphology in the field respectively, providing attendees with the opportunity to get their hands dirty figuratively at the computer screen, and literally in the field!

Finally, we would like to thank all of those who make events such as this a success. Our programme committee, who on time and carefully reviewed a large number of papers, our keynote speakers, the workshop organisers, and all those who helped in the local organisation, especially Dagmar Brandova who dealt with registration, as well as the University of Zurich for providing the conference facilities. Finally, and most importantly, we would like to thank the conference participants – without your work and participation there would be no conference. We hope your stay in Zurich will be an enjoyable and stimulating one.

Ross Purves, Stephan Gruber, Tomislav Hengl and Ralph Straumann August 15th, 2009

Attachment: foreword



Ross Purves, Stephan Gruber, Ralph Straumann
Department of Geography
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich
ross.purves | stephan.gruber | ralph.straumann

Tomislav Hengl
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
University of Amsterdam
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Programme Committee:
Katherine Arrell, University of Leeds, UK
Alexander Brenning, University of Waterloo, Canada
Jürgen Böhner, University of Hamburg, Germany
Olaf Conrad, University of Hamburg, Germany
Lucian Dragut, University of Salzburg, Austria
Ian Evans, Durham University, UK
Peter Fisher, University of Leicester, UK
John Gallant, CSIRO, Australia
Paul Gessler, University of Idaho, USA
Stephan Gruber, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Peter L. Guth, US Naval Academy, USA
Tomislav Hengl, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oliver Korup, WSL, Switzerland
John Lindsay, University of Guelph, Canada
Helena Mitasova, North Carolina State University, USA
Peter Molnar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Scott Peckham, Rivix, USA
Ross Purves, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Hannes I. Reuter, GISxperts, Germany
Jochen Schmidt, NIWA, New Zealand
Ralph Straumann, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Andy Turner, Leeds University, UK
Robert Weibel, University of Zurich, Switzerland
John P. Wilson, University of Southern California, USA
Jo Wood, City University London, UK
Qiming Zhou, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Please cite as: Geomorphometry 2009 Conference Proceedings In: Geomorphometry 2009, Edited by R. Purves, S. Gruber, R. Straumann and T. Hengl. University of Zurich, Zurich, 2009.

HESSD - Special Issue

Quantitative analysis of DEMs for hydrology and Earth system science
Editor(s): R. Purves, P. Molnar, and S. Gruber

Attachment: geomorphometry2009ToC.pdf



Monday 31.08.2009

09:15-09:25 Welcoming remarks
09:25-10:15 From ontologies to software (Ross Purves)
  Ralph K. Straumann
Experiences in developing landform ontologies
  T. Hengl, C.H. Grohmman, R.S. Bivand, O. Conrad and A. Lobo
SAGA vs GRASS: a comparative analysis of the two open source desktop GIS for the automated analysis of elevation data
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:30 Methodological developments (Ian Evans)
  John Gallant and Michael Hutchinson
A differential equation for specific catchment area
  Scott Peckham
A New Algorithm for Creating DEMs with Smooth Elevation Profiles
  Thomas Grabs, Jan Seibert, Kelsey Jencso and Brian McGlynn
Calculation of side-separated contributions to stream networks – a new tool to characterize riparian zones
  Justin Washtell, Stephen Carver and Katherine Arrell
A viewshed based classification of landscapes using geomorphometrics
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Keynote: Jo Wood
Visualizing Geomorphometry: Lessons from Information Visualization
14:30-15:45 Extracting landscape elements (David Mark)
  Svein Olav Krøgli, Henning Dypvik and Bernd Etzelmüller
Correlation of radial profiles extracted from automatic detected circular features, in the search for impact structure candidates
  Bård Romstad and Bernd Etzelmüller
Structuring the Digital Elevation Model into Landform Elements through Watershed Segmentation of Curvature
  Niels Anders, Harry Seijmonsbergen and Willem Bouten
Multi-scale and object-oriented image analysis of high-res LiDAR data for geomorphological mapping in alpine mountains
15:45-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-18:00 Soil mapping and properties (Tomislav Hengl)
  Rania Bou Kheir, Mogens Greve and Peder Bocher
Use of digital terrain analysis and classification trees for predictive mapping of soil organic carbon in southern Denmark
  Korbinian Kringer, Markus Tusch, Clemens Geitner, Martin Rutzinger, Christoph Wiegand and Gertraud Meißl
Geomorphometric Analyses of LiDAR Digital Terrain Models for Digital Soil Mapping
  Markus Möller, Thomas Koschitzki and Klaus-Jörg Hartmann
Terrain-related revision of existing soil maps
  Brendan Malone
Mapping continuous soil depth functions in the Edgeroi district, NSW, Australia, using terrain attributes and other environmental factors
18:30-19:15 Geomorphometry Society Meeting
19:30-20:30 Welcome drink

   Tuesday 1.09.2009

09:00-10:15 Global-scale geomorphometry (John Gallant)
  Marcello A. V. Gorini
Physiographic classification of the ocean floor: a multi-scale geomorphometric approach
  Peter Guth
Global Survey of Organized Landforms: Recognizing Linear Sand Dunes
  Hannes Isaak Reuter and Andrew Nelson
WorldTerrain- A Contribution to the Global Geomorphometric Atlas
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:30 Multiscale methods (Jo Wood)
  Katherine Arrell and Stephen Carver
Surface roughness scaling trends
  Michael Kalbermatten, Dimitri Van De Ville, Stéphane Joost, Michael Unser and François Golay
Laplace-gradient wavelet pyramid and multiscale tensor structures applied on high resolution DEMs
  Lucian Dragut, Clemens Eisank, Thomas Strasser and Thomas Blaschke
A comparison of methods to incorporate scale in geomorphometry
  Carlos Grohmann, Mike Smith and Claudio Riccomini
Surface roughness of topography: a multi-scale analysis of landform elements in Midland Valley, Scotland
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Keynote: Stephan Landtwing
14:30-15:45 Data considerations (Hannes Reuter)
  John Gallant and Arthur Read
Enhancing the SRTM data for Australia
  Rüdiger Köthe and Michael Bock
Preprocessing of Digital Elevation Models - derived from Laser Scanning and Radar Interferometry - for Terrain Analysis in Geosciences
  Haris Papasaika and Emmanuel Baltsavias
Investigation on the Relation of Geomorphological Parameters to DEM Accuracy
15:45-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-18:00 Geomorphological applications (Peter Guth)
  Nicolas Sougnez and Veerle Vanacker
Spatial variability in channel and slope morphology within the Ardennes Massif, and its link with tectonics
  Balázs Székely, Eszter Király, Dávid Karátson and Tamás Bata
A parameterisation attempt of scoria cones of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (Arizona, USA) by conical fitting
  Mathias Ulmer, Peter Molnar and Ross Purves
Influence of DEM and soil property uncertainty on an infinite slope stability model
18:00-late Conference dinner

   Wednesday 2.09.2009

09:00-10:15 Extraterrrestrial geomorphometry (Scott Peckham)
  Tomasz Stepinski and Chaitanya Bagaria
A Two-Stage Classification Approach for Effective Geomorphic Mapping of Planetary Surfaces
  Roderik Koenders, Roderik Lindenbergh and Tanja Zegers
Automated classification of Martian morphology using a Terrain Fingerprinting Method
  Balázs Székely and Tomaž Podobnikar
A method for automated extraction of Martian talus slopes – case studies of Nanedi Valles and West Candor Chasma, Mars
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:30 Extracting hydrological networks (Robert MacMillan)
  Paolo Tarolli, Giancarlo Dalla Fontana, Giovanni Moretti and Stefano Orlandini
Cell Size Dependence of Threshold Conditions for the Delineation of Drainage Networks from Gridded Elevation Data
  Nathalie Thommeret, Jean-Stéphane Bailly and Christian Puech
Robust extraction of thalwegs networks from DTMs for topological characterisation: a case study on badlands
  Ashraf Afana and Gabriel Del Barrio
An Adaptive Approach for Channel Network Delineation from Digital Elevation Models
  Laura Poggio and Pierre Soille
Influence of spurious pit removal methods on the position of river networks extracted from SRTM
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Keynote: David Mark
From Land Form to Landforms: Bridging the Quantitative-Qualitative Gap in a Multilingual Context
  Extracting hydrological networks (continued)
14:30-15:00 Markus Metz, Helena Mitasova and Russel Harmon
Fast stream extraction from large, radar-based elevation models with variable level of detail
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-16:45 Glaciological applications (Stephan Gruber)
  Andreas Linsbauer, Frank Paul, Martin Hoelzle, Holger Frey and Wilfried Haeberli
The Swiss Alps Without Glaciers – a GIS-based Modelling Approach for Reconstruction of Glacier Beds
  Ian Evans
Allometric development of glacial cirques: an application of specific geomorphometry
  Regula Frauenfelder, Bernhard Schneider and Bernd Etzelmüller
Morphometric modelling of rockglaciers – A case study from the Alps
16:45 Closing remarks