Geomorphometry Newsletter January 2014

Published: Jan 15, 2014 by ISG Board

Geomorphometry 2013 conference is behind us. We are now slowly looking toward the next big conference that looks like is predestined to happen in Europe. We have received three nominations for hosting the Geomorphometry 2015 event: (1) Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid, Spain, (2) ISRIC — World Soil Information / Wageningen University, the Netherlands, and (3) Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Poznañ, Poland. Which one is you favourite? (all three are excellent choices!)
If you are society member, visit, login in, and select your favourite from the front page poll. If you have any problems with voting, please contact the system administrator via The deadline to receive your vote is 1st of February 2014 (the winner will be announced / approved by the scientific committee in mid February).May the best candidate win!…

Submission for the special issue of Earth Surface Dynamics journal (this is an interactive Open Access journal) based on the conference are still open, so please visit the journal pages and submit your article following the journal requirements. Note that the submission might close in early March 2014, hence do not miss to submit your work before the deadline expires

German Aerospace Center (Microwaves and Radar Institute) have recently released an open call for TanDEM-X Intermediate DEM products available for selected regions. Fill in the forms and request a sample TanDEM-X (12 m and 30 m resolution) - a pre-release of the new generation global high resolution / high accuracy DEM - which is possibly available also for your study area.

Geomorphometry community is now also on G+. Join this community and post opinions, announcements and short stories and follow up the work of your colleagues.



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Laipelt L., Andrade B.C., Collischonn W., Teixeira A.A., Paiva R.C.D., Ruhoff A., 2024. ANADEM: A Digital Terrain Model for South America. Remote Sensing 16(13):2321.

GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 release

The GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 release provides more than 515 improvements and fixes with respect to the release 8.3.2.

Check the full announcement at

Please support in testing this release candidate.

Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models

There is a new paper (open access) describing a novel method to estimate sub-pixel planimetric displacements between two DEMs:

Riazanoff, S.; Corseaux, A.; Albinet, C.; Strobl, P.A.; López-Vázquez, C.; Guth, P.L.; Tadono, T. Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 13, 96.