Nominations for Geomorphometry 2015 conference

Published: Dec 15, 2013 by ISG Board

The nominations to host the Geomorphometry 2015 international conference are (sorted based on the time of received nomination):

  1. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid, Spain
  2. ISRIC — World Soil Information / Wageningen University, the Netherlands
  3. Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Poznañ, Poland

To vote for your favorite candidate simply select one of the options from the front page. Let the best candidate win! And do not forget to read what each of the nominees has to offer!

Who is eligable to vote? Only permenant society members i.e. anyone that have visited at least one of the last three conferences (because the society is covered from the conference registration fees). If you have problems voting, please write to If you wish to publicly comment on this post, please write on the Geomorphometry G+ community page:

Deadline to receive your vote: February 1th 2014.


IGME, Madrid, Spain

Local organizers:

  • Eulogio Pardo-Iguzquiza
    Geological Survey of Spain
  • Juan José Durán
    Director of the Research Department of the Geological Survey of Spain

Hosting institution(s):

Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME)

Venue:The conference will take place at the Conference Room of the Gómez-Pardo Foundation (up to 120 people). There are other rooms at the School of Mining Engineering that could be used for the Conference. This venue is located in the Centre of Madrid just 50 m far from the Ríos Rosas underground station.; it is 50 m far from the School of Mining Engineering and 100 m far from the Geological Survey of Spain.
Town and surrounding:Madrid is the city of Art. Apart the big three museums, the Padro Museum, the Thyssen Bornemisza and the Reina Sofía Museum of Modern Art, in Madrid there are tens of other Art Museums. Even at the same building of the Conference venue there is a very nice museum: the Felix Cañada Museum.
Of course, Madrid is also Spanish food like "tapas" and "paella". The historical towns of Toledo and Salamanca are at 1 hour by train from Madrid.

Preferred dates:

  • 1-4 September 2015
  • 7-10 September 2015
  • 14-17 September 2015

Arrival / local transport :

Madrid has virtually several hundred of hotels with an ample range of prices. The organizers will negotiate special conference rates with nearby hotels. The two most popular options for the 15th Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences were: a budget Hotel with breakfast included by 58 € for a double room. The "hostales" and "pensiones" have economic prices, from 30 euros per night.

Conference theme (leitmotief):

Water, Environment and Digital Terrain Modelling

Logistical information:The coffee will be provided at the Hall of the Conference Venue. Lunch will be provided at the bar of the School of Mines and dinner (cocktail) will be provided at the Hall of the School of Mines. All the coffees (8 coffee breaks), lunch (4 days) and cocktails (3 nights) will be included in the registration fee.

Sponsorship and support:

The organizers will look for a sponsorship but, in any case, the conference registration will not be higher than 300 euros. The registration prize will include the material and documentation, coffee and meals.

Any special reason we should come to...

A special issue of the Boletín Geológico y Minero (an Earth Sciences Journal published by the Geological Survey of Spain since 1874) will be printed with selected papers. The proceedings of the Conference will be provided on a CD with ISBN, the first day of the Conference. Geomorphometry workshop has never before been organised in Spain.




Wageningen University, the Netherlands

Local organizers:

  • Tomislav Hengl
    ISRIC — World Soil Information
  • Niels Anders
    Environmental Sciences Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands

Hosting institution(s):

ISRIC — World Soil Information / Wageningen University, the Netherlands

Venue:Forum building. The conference hall can accommodate >150 people and is equipped with top multimedia facilities. There are facilities for parallel and poster sessions. Wageningen University is located on the WUR campus that consists of a number of modern buildings built in the last 2-10 years.
Town and surrounding:Wageningen (ca. 45,000 habitants) is an university town in the centre of the Netherlands with over 10,000 students and some 5000 research and education staff. It is the

Preferred dates:

  • 13-17 July 2015
  • 24-28 August 2015

Arrival / local transport :

Wageningen is about 1 hour away from the Schiphol International airport. Schiphol is the third biggest European airport with direct flights to all major cities in the world. Buses from Ede-Wageningen station to Wageningen drive frequently and take about 20 minutes. We would also organize free bikes for each workshop participant that wants one  :)

Conference theme (leitmotief):

High-resolution and multiscale DEMs for environmental modelling

Logistical information:Forum building has a student restaurant and a cafeteria (the building daily hosts 3000-4000 students!). Organized meals can be provided through an university hired company at subsidized price. A barbeque on campus is planned at the beginning of the conference (night before). Considering the accommodation, Wageningen offers various possibilities, ranging from budget to four-stars hotels. In particular, the organizers can book rooms at special rates (70-80 euro) in hotel Hof van Wageningen, which in fact can also host the workshop if this is preferred (no commuting between hotel and workshop site, closer to town centre). The conference dinner will most likely be held at Castle Doorwerth (dates back to the 13th century, authentic interior and not far — cycling distance! — from Wageningen).

Sponsorship and support:

ISRIC will offer it's New multimedia World Soil Museum to host the geomorphometry workshops. Students will get a 50% reduction on the registration fees.

Any special reason we should come to...

ISRIC has the largest world soil database and library and is actively involved in digital terrain modeling through projects like SOTER or Wageningen University and Research Centre is one of the leading European research centres in the field of Environmental Sciences. The Alterra Soil Geography team has developed and applied DEM processing methods for many years. In 2013, ISRIC will open its New World Soil Museum that can be used to host some of the Geomorphometry 2015 workshops. Geomorphometry workshop has never before been organised in the Netherlands.




Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Poznan, Poland

Local organizers:

  • Grzegorz Rachlewicz
    Head of Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, vice-chair of the Association of Polish Geomorphologists
  • Zbigniew Zwoliñski
    Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Chair of the IAG/AIG WG on Landform Assessment for Geodiversity
  • Jaroslaw Jasiewicz
    Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation

Hosting institution(s):

Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, Poznañ, Poland /
Association of Polish Geomorphologists, International Association of Geomorphologists Working Group on Landform Assessment for Geodiversity

Venue:Modern building of Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences. The Faculty offers rooms fully equiped with audio-video facilities: one assembly hall for 300 persons, two halls for 150 persons, four rooms for 50-80 persons. Six computer labs with 20 workstations each and wireless eduroam network on the entire building. There is also a place for exhibition and firm stands.
Town and surrounding:Poznañ (ca. 600,000 habitants) is one of the most recognized tourist cities in Poland. Some known attractions: Old Market Square with Town Hall, Citadel Park, Old Brevery, Cathedral, Malta Park and many more.

Preferred dates:

  • 15-19 June 2015
  • 1-5 September 2015
  • 14-18 September 2015

Arrival / local transport :

Daily connections from Munich, Frankfurt, Copenhagen and Warsaw (1 hour flight) are available. The airport is located near the city center: direct bus connection to hotels in the city center are also available. Taxi from the airport starts at 7 Euro to the city center and at 12 Euro directly to Geo-Campus.

Conference theme (leitmotief):

Geomorphometry as a key for natural hazard geomodeling

Logistical information:Conference coffee brakes and lunches will be organized in the Geo-Campus where the conference will take place. There are two restaurants for more than 150 persons. There is an in-place catering company with long term experience in domestic and international conference events. Average meal price in a regular restaurant typically does not exceed 7-10 Euro per person.

Sponsorship and support:

Access to conference halls, computer labs and the entire infrastructure at no cost to all participants. Rector of the Adam Mickiewicz University and the President of the City of Poznañ will be invited for official patronage which might bring additional benefits and possibilities. The Association of Polish Geomorphologists will provide organizational help. There will be also help from geoinformation student volunteers.

Any special reason we should come to...

Poznañ offers quality accommodation services at relatively low cost. As Poznañ is the seat of International Fair Trade and former organizer of UN Climatic Change Conference (2008) it has one of the best hotel network in Europe. Geomorphometry workshop has never before been organised in Poland. On the other hand, Poznañ has already hosted a number of international geomorphological conferences e.g. in 1963 and 1976 (INQUA).



story event nomination


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