Geomorphometry Newsletter November 2013

Published: Nov 15, 2013 by ISG Board

Our conference in Nanjing has closed 2 weeks ago. It was on the end a very smooth event with many excellent discussions and workshops (see the photo gallery). During the conference, the participants, and our international members, were asked to rate extended abstracts submitted to the programme. The current stand of papers is available via our society website. Please help us filter out the best papers by rating the papers in the programme via the website.

The submission for full-length research papers for the special issue of Earth Surface Dynamics journal is now open! We are looking for about 12-18 original research papers on topics from the conference, but we also welcome any other contribution by the wider scientific community.ESurf is an open-access interactive journal (interactive comments are published alongside the discussion paper and will remain permanently archived, publicly accessible and fully citable) with no publication charges. It had ca 40 papers submitted in the past 6 months making it one of the most successful launches of the Copernicus journals

Geomorphometry community is now also on G+. Join this community and post opinions, announcements and short stories and follow up the work of your colleagues.



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ANADEM: A Digital Terrain Model for South America

There is a new paper (open access) describing a Machine Learning-based DTM for South America:

Laipelt L., Andrade B.C., Collischonn W., Teixeira A.A., Paiva R.C.D., Ruhoff A., 2024. ANADEM: A Digital Terrain Model for South America. Remote Sensing 16(13):2321.

GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 release

The GRASS GIS 8.4.0RC1 release provides more than 515 improvements and fixes with respect to the release 8.3.2.

Check the full announcement at

Please support in testing this release candidate.

Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models

There is a new paper (open access) describing a novel method to estimate sub-pixel planimetric displacements between two DEMs:

Riazanoff, S.; Corseaux, A.; Albinet, C.; Strobl, P.A.; López-Vázquez, C.; Guth, P.L.; Tadono, T. Best BiCubic Method to Compute the Planimetric Misregistration between Images with Sub-Pixel Accuracy: Application to Digital Elevation Models. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 13, 96.